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Prof. Vasilios Chronopoulos

Prof. Vasilios Chronopoulos

Prof. Vasilios Chronopoulos

Specialist Prosthodontist Qualifications – DDS, MS, PhD (pros)

Professor Vasileios Chronopoulos is a registered Specialist Prosthodontist. He received his dental degree from the University of Athens, Greece and his certificate in Prosthodontics from Marquette University in Milwaukee, USA. Moreover, he has a MS and a PhD in Dental Biomaterials from the School of Dentistry, University of Athens, Greece.

He is an active clinician with over 30 years of experience. Professor Chronopoulos is practising the entire spectrum of his specialty and focuses on aesthetic full mouth reconstructions and smile makeovers, veneers, restoration of worn dentition, all-ceramic crowns and minimally invasive restorations, implants, all-on-four and all types of implant-supported restorations and dental management of snoring and sleep apnoea.

He lectures nationally and internationally on Aesthetic Dentistry, Implants, Prosthodontics and Dental Materials. Furthermore, he is a member of numerous scientific societies.

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