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Conventional Implants

Our cohesive team of registered specialists and general dentists can offer you optimal implant care in one location.

It is good to keep in mind that most dentists would recommend keeping your own natural teeth rather than extraction and implantation, but in the cases where this is not possible, dental implants can provide patients with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Below are before and after images of a conventional implant-retained ceramic crown which is used to replace one tooth and a conventional implant-retained ceramic bridge which is used to replace multiple teeth.

conventional implant retained ceramic crown
Conventional implant-retained ceramic crown
conventional implant retained ceramic bridge
Conventional implant-retained ceramic bridge

How Conventional Implants Work

Frequently Asked Questions

Before you receive dental implants, your suitability for the procedure will be assessed by one of our clinicians. A variety of factors determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate for conventional implants. These include adequate bone (in terms of density and volume – though a deficiency can be overcome with bone grafting), good oral hygiene and dental health, and whether you meet the general medical requirements.

The dental implant procedure can be performed either under local anaesthetic in the dental surgery or under general anaesthetic as day surgery in a hospital.

In dental implant procedures done under local anaesthetic, the area where the implant is to be placed is completely numbed. You will be awake for the procedure and aware of what is happening, and you may feel some pressure around the area.

After your implant procedure you may feel sore for a few days. This is normal and you can manage the pain with painkillers if necessary. It is important that you maintain regular dental check-ups every 6 months afterwards to safeguard the health of your teeth and gums.

When well maintained with proper cleaning at home as well as professional dental cleaning, conventional implants can be expected to last for 10 to 15 years. However, as with crowns, bridges and fillings, they may need to be replaced at some point.

Your dental implants will function just the same as your natural teeth, so you need to make sure you look after them with the same amount of care. At Smile Solutions we are very passionate about good oral hygiene. By properly brushing and flossing your teeth every day, as well as visiting your dentist for a check up every six months, you can help ensure your teeth, both natural and implants, last for years.

There are a number of different costs involved in conventional implants. These include the cost of any extraction, of your replacement denture or bridge while your implant is being prepared, and of the implant procedure itself (at Smile Solutions this will be carried out by a registered specialist). Your clinician should be able to give you an estimate of costs based on your individual treatment plan. At Smile Solutions we provide this estimate during the consultation that precedes your implant treatment.

At Smile Solutions your dental implant treatment will be performed by one of our team of board-registered specialist prosthodontists, periodontists, oral & maxillofacial surgeons, and dual medical qualified dental surgeons – not a general dentist providing care across multiple fields or specialists. Therefore you can rest assured you’re in the safest hands.

To qualify as a registered specialist in Australia, practitioners must first have the same degree as a general dentist. They then study for a further Masters degree or equivalent, or a PhD in a particular field, making them eligible to apply for registration with the Dental Board of Australia as a specialist.

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