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How can a night guard be used to treat TMD? 

How can a night guard be used to treat TMD? 

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TMD (temporo-mandibular disorder) is a condition affecting the joint that aids in movement of the jaw. TMD can have detrimental effects on various other structures, such as your teeth, the muscles you use to chew and accessory muscles in your neck and shoulders. The tell-tale signs of TMD are clicking and locking of the jaw, grinding of the teeth, overall tenderness of the teeth and muscles associated with chewing, specifically on waking. 

A night guard has many roles in the treatment of TMD, providing therapeutic aid to the teeth, joints and muscles. These night guards are usually worn whilst sleeping and act as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth. This not only protects the teeth from any further bruxism as they are separated by the guard itself, but also acts to relieve tension and pressure from the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. 

After a thorough consultation with our TMD specialist, a diagnosis will be made and if a night guard is the best treatment for you, it will be made and inserted a couple of weeks later. The guard will be adjusted over a series of appointments until we find the most comfortable position for your joints and muscles. This is the main reason a custom guard will always be more beneficial than a night guard that can be purchased at the chemist, as it is made to benefit you specifically. In conjunction with the custom night guard treatment, we often utilise our onsite specialised TMD physiotherapist to alleviate any lingering inflammation. If you think you are experiencing any of these symptoms, book in for a consultation with our TMD specialist and explore your options.

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