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Level 1,
Manchester Unity Building, 220 Collins St, Melbourne

Lucia Nguyen

Lucia Nguyen

Lucia Nguyen

Oral Hygiene and Dental Therapy Qualifications – BOH (CSU)

With over 12 years’ experience as a dental assistant in Melbourne, Lucia’s passion in dentistry and patient care led her to continue further studies in the field. She completed a Bachelor of Hygiene and Therapy at Charles Sturt University in 2017.

In her role, Lucia aims for the highest standards and prides herself on gentle and efficient treatment. Changes in modern day health awareness and the correlation between heart disease and the mouth have become extremely important to Lucia in recent times, and she has shown a keen interest in periodontal disease and prevention. As a result, her approach is geared towards preventive treatment with an array of procedures tailored to each patient’s needs.

When she is not at work, Lucia enjoys spending time with family and friends, and travelling.

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