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Karleen Giampietro

Karleen Giampietro

Karleen Giampietro

General Manager

Most recent articles by Karleen Giampietro

Karleen Giampietro
Karleen Giampietro

My life as the Smile Solutions Tooth Fairy

Introducing the Smile Solutions' Tooth Fairy As a registered dental nurse doubling as...[Read More]

Karleen Giampietro
Karleen Giampietro

How to encourage your child to brush their teeth?

Girl brushing teeth Does even the slight glimpse of a toothbrush send your toddler crashing...[Read More]

Karleen Giampietro
Karleen Giampietro

Should my child wear a mouthguard?

The importance of children wearing a mouthguard If you want to ensure your child's teeth...[Read More]

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