Call Us 13 13 96

Level 1,
Manchester Unity Building, 220 Collins St, Melbourne

Convenience & Ambience

Smile Solutions is conveniently located in the heart of Melbourne CBD, over several restored levels of the iconic Manchester Unity Building.

Convenience & Ambience

Convenience & Ambience

Smile Solutions is a triumph of juxtaposition: old-world-charm architecture sits side by side with the latest technology in dental healthcare.

Digital screens and DVD players in each of our treatment rooms, and a choice of movies or latest music DVDs, allow you to lose all sense of your surroundings if that is your desire. Each treatment suite is individually climate-controlled for your personal comfort. Appropriately administered nitroxide (laughing gas) and liquid diazepam (Valium) are available if you are looking to make your dental appointment a complete exercise in relaxation.

The ambience of Smile Solutions is topped off by the positive attitude of its team. Patients often comment that this energy is palpable the moment you enter the space.

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