A smile makeover is the process of achieving your most ideal and incredible smile through the use of one or more cosmetic dental procedures.
The treatments can range from minimally invasive procedures such as tooth whitening and composite veneers, to porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges and dental implants.
The first step in your unique smile makeover process is to meet with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists for a consultation in order to discuss your goals and desired outcomes.
This discussion will include a detailed understanding of your aesthetic concerns and needs, and providing you with information on the various dental cosmetic procedures, potential results, risks, benefits, necessary time frames and fees.
Additionally, we will conduct an examination of your mouth in order to assess the health of your teeth, gums and facial structures, which will likely require x-rays in order to diagnose any underlying dental issues which may need attention prior to commencing any cosmetic dental work.
Photos of your current smile are also taken so that we can best develop a treatment plan that is specialised to your unique needs.
Taking into account all the information gathered at your cosmetic consultation, the cosmetic dentist may also complete a digital smile design, which includes a temporary mock up of your new smile placed directly onto your teeth so that you can visualise what we hope to achieve for your dream smile.
You are then able to work together with your cosmetic dentist in order to customise a design for your beautiful new smile. This will ensure that you are able to consider all appropriate treatment options and make an informed decision about the best treatment plan that compliments you and your lifestyle.
When you are ready to commence the journey of achieving your brilliant dream smile, you may require a number of visits to complete the necessary restorative and cosmetic dental procedures for your smile makeover.
This may include a combination of orthodontics to straighten misaligned or crowded teeth, tooth whitening to brighten your smile, composite resin or porcelain veneers and crowns to improve the shape and size of your teeth or bridges and dental implants to replace missing teeth, all using our highly personalised, state of the art dental services.
In the final stages of your smile makeover journey, you will have a chance to review your new smile to ensure we have achieved your goals.
Once your smile makeover process is completed, you will be provided with the necessary information in order to not only enjoy, but keep your dazzling new smile lasting for years to come!
A smile makeover is an investment that can improve not only the health of your teeth, but also build self confidence and result in a smile that you can be proud of for life.
Our cosmetic dentists at Smile Solutions are dedicated to helping you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of!