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How to care for your toothbrush

How to care for your toothbrush

care toothbrush

We all know how important oral hygiene is, and using a toothbrush is a key part of that, but how many of you actually think about the importance of caring for your toothbrush and making sure it is in tip top shape. The condition of your toothbrush can really make a difference as to how effectively you can clean your teeth.

Here are some tips to ensuring your toothbrush is in the best condition.

Replace your toothbrush regularly

You should be replacing your brush every three to four months, or when the bristles are looking worn or spread apart. A toothbrush wears out through regular use and will stop being as effective in cleaning each of your teeth if you’ve been using it for a long time, especially if the bristles are spread apart then you might not actually be reaching every tooth.

If you come down with the flu, cold sore or any other contagious illness buy a new toothbrush, even if it’s less than four months old, to avoid re-infecting yourself with the bacteria on your brush.

Don’t share toothbrushes

It should go without saying, but don’t ever share your toothbrush, even with your significant other. This is a quick way to spread germs! Also, when you’re squeezing toothpaste onto your brush, ensure you don’t press the opening onto the bristles as this will also transfer bacteria.

Clean your toothbrush thoroughly

Make sure you rinse your brush thoroughly after every use and don’t leave toothpaste to build up in the bristles. Storing your brush with the bristles immersed in a glass with a small amount of mouthwash will also get rid of any nasties.

Use the correct toothpaste

As well as looking after your toothbrush, using the correct toothpaste will help you clean your teeth effectively. There are so many different toothpastes on the market it can be hard to know which one to choose. If you’re really unsure you can ask your dentist or hygienist for advice. Some toothpastes are more effective at killing bacteria than others, buy one that contains triclosan or copolymer as this is better than regular fluoride toothpastes at killing oral bacteria.

As well as home care, you should be visiting your hygienist every six months to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, so give us a call if it’s time for your next hygiene appointment.

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