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Level 1,
Manchester Unity Building, 220 Collins St, Melbourne


Smile Solutions
Smile Solutions

Smile Solutions

What are the relative advantages and disadvantages...

Patients often ask me to outline for them the relative advantages and disadvantages of conventional braces,...[Read More]

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Smile Solutions
Smile Solutions

Smile Solutions

Can I put my Invisalign treatment on a payment plan?

Can you put your Invisalign treatment on a payment plan? The simple answer is: Yes! You most...[Read More]

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Dr David Austin
Dr David Austin

Dr David Austin

Specialist Orthodontist BDSc (Melb), MDS Orth (HK), MOrth, RCS (Edin)

How to get straight teeth without braces? Or Invisalign

Straight teeth without braces Traditionally, orthodontic treatment was only for children and young...[Read More]

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Dr David Austin
Dr David Austin

Dr David Austin

Specialist Orthodontist BDSc (Melb), MDS Orth (HK), MOrth, RCS (Edin)

How long does it take to have orthodontic treatment?

One of the first questions I get from many of my patients when they are considering having orthodontic...[Read More]

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Smile Solutions
Smile Solutions

Smile Solutions

What is malocclusion of the teeth?

In dentistry, the word occlusion refers to the position of the teeth when the jaws are closed. In...[Read More]

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Dr Andrea Phatouros
Dr Andrea Phatouros

Dr Andrea Phatouros

Specialist Orthodontist BDSc (WA), MDSc Orth (WA), FRACDS

Will my teeth need retainers after I’ve had braces?

After any orthodontic treatment, whether it be Invisalign or conventional braces, you need retainers...[Read More]

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